
Current person re-identification (re-id) methods typically rely on single-frame imagery features, and ignore space-time information from image sequences. Single-frame (single-shot) visual appearance matching is inherently limited for person re-id in public spaces due to visual ambiguity arising from non-overlapping camera views where viewpoint and lighting changes can cause significant appearance variation. In this work, we present a novel model to automatically select the most discriminative video fragments from noisy image sequences of people where more reliable space-time features can be extracted, whilst simultaneously to learn a video ranking function for person re-id. Also, we introduce a new image sequence re-id dataset (iLIDS-VID) based on the i-LIDS MCT benchmark data. Using the iLIDS-VID and PRID 2011 sequence re-id datasets, we extensively conducted comparative evaluations to demonstrate the advantages of the proposed model over contemporary gait recognition, holistic image sequence matching and state-of-the-art single-shot/multi-shot based re-id methods.

Contribution Highlights

  1. We derive a multi-fragments based space-time feature representation of image sequences of people. This representation is based on a combination of HOG3D features and optic ow energy profile over each image sequence, designed to break down automatically unregulated video clips of people into multiple fragments.
  2. We propose a discriminative video ranking model for cross-view re-identification by simultaneously selecting and matching more reliable space-time features from video fragments. The model is formulated using a multi-instance ranking strategy for learning from pairs of image sequences over non-overlapping camera views. This method can significantly relax the strict assumptions required by gait recognition techniques.
  3. We introduce a new image sequence based person re-identification dataset called iLIDS-VID, extracted from the i-LIDS Multiple-Camera Tracking Scenario (MCTS). To our knowledge, this is the largest image sequence based re-identification dataset that is publically available.


  1. Person Re-Identification by Video Ranking.
    T. Wang, S. Gong, X. Zhu, and S. Wang.
    In Proc. European Conference on Computer Vision, Zurich, Switzerland, September 2014.  
    [PDF]   [CMC]   [Data Splits]   [Spotlight Video]  
  2. Person Re-Identification by Discriminative Selection in Video Ranking.
    T. Wang, S. Gong, X. Zhu, and S. Wang.
    IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Vol. 38, No. 12, pp. 2501-2514, December 2016.  
    [PDF]   [arXiv]   [CMC]  


Overview of our approach:

Discriminative Video Ranking (DVR) model learning pipeline:

  1. Generating candidate fragment pools by Flow Energy Profiling (FEP)
  2. Creating candidate fragment pairs as positive and negative instances
  3. Simultaneously selecting and ranking the most discriminative fragment pairs.


Examples of two image sequence based re-id datasets.


Comparison of person re-id performance between different methods using Cumulated Matching Characteristics (CMC).


iLIDS Video re-IDentification (iLIDS-VID) Dataset

An image sequence based person re-identification dataset captured in a crowded public space.

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